Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Que nos pasa?

Que nos pasa????

Come on everyone we all started this challenge with lots of enthusiasm and
hopes, lets go back and remember what was our motivation to lose weight,
what was our goal. We have to stay focused. If we don’t do it now, most likely
we’ll never do it. Each of us NEEDs to think we can win first place, that
would be the only way we’ll put extra afford on this.
The best way to succeed is, to stay focused and set up goals. Long-term
goals! But in order to reach those long-term goals we have to set short
term goals.

For example: if I want to lose 30lb by the end of this challenge, I have to
divide those 30lb into the weeks we have left, so we still have 15 weeks,
now I need to lose 2lb per week. Come on I know its hard. Trust me I
KNOW!!!! We can all do it together.

Remember, YOU!!! Yes you who is reading this posting, you can win this
challenge, there’s still time, but you have to start now. DELETE from your
diet every thing that contains SUGAR and FLOUR; that is VENOM!!!!!! Your
body does not need that and include lots of vegetables with your meals.

In order for this to continue to be a CHALLENGE we should all try to be the

-Silvia G

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Big Small Challenge

We hear lots of talk about losing weight and how to lose the most and how to lose it the fastest. But what about those that have to lose a little? There are a few on our challenge that have probably 10 or 15 pounds to lose and are finding it difficult to lose those few pounds.

For those of you all I can say is: Stick with it. You must have a weight loss program aimed at your specific goal. You will have to eat right and utilize your work out sessions to aim your weight loss to the specific area you are carrying your weight.

I will do more research over the weekend to find exercises that target weight loss in specific parts of the body. To help you tone!

Bottom line is don't despair and remember you have 20 weeks to lose those 10 to 15 pounds, so half a pound a week is perfect!

Seeing a Pattern

A lot of us are losing that first excitement of the challenge. I can tell by the many, many ZEROs on the list of weigh ins. (myself included)

BUT, let's not lose the momentum. I can see that most of you that are losing weight are members of a family that are losing weight together and not doing it alone. We are after all human and tend to lose interest quickly unless that constant stimulation is there.

The end of February is coming up and the money will have to be submitted. I am thinking we will all see each other for Tania's quinceanera so why not take your money then and pay up! This will hopefully stimulate us to pursue that awesome JACKPOT!

If anybody wants to post any difficulties they are having or any great ideas to help us, please email myself or Gaby and we will be glad to post your stories!

Congratulations to all of the Biggest Losers so far....Elena, Gaby, Eustaquio and Marc! But Elvia, Lola and Silvia are trailing behind real close. The rest of us...come on let's do this!

Weigh In #5

Alejandra -0.4
Arturo 0
Cathy 0
Cecy 0
Cristina 0
Elena -5.2
Elvia -0.6
Eustaquio +1
Francisco +2
Gaby 0
Jeannie +.5
Leticia +1
Lola 0
Marc 0
Mario -2
Monica -1.2
Nancy -0.5
Silvia -3.4
Sira 0
Tarcisio 0

Weigh In #4

Alejandra -1.4
Arturo 0
Cathy 0
Cecy 0
Cristina 0
Elena -2.8
Elvia -2.8
Eustaquio -3.7
Francisco -2
Gaby -0.7
Jeannie -1
Leticia -2
Lola 0
Marc -2.5
Mario -1.4
Monica -3.5
Nancy -1
Silvia -0.2
Sira 0
Tarcisio 0