Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Danny the Host of GFam Fitness Challenge

Danny has volunteered to be the mediator of the challenge!

Yay, Danny! Thanks a bunch.

He has agreed to receive our weekly weight for him to track. He will also be in charge of the $40 fee. Payments will be accepted, sorry cash only! The $40 must be paid by May 24th. This is the last Monday before the 1st of June.

When you email Danny (at you will have to give him the following information:

Name, Date and your current weight.
Also include any information regarding fees that you need him to know.

The challenge will end on May 30th and the winner will be announced on June 1st.

We will have to plan on getting together on May 30th to do all the final weigh ins. That is a Sunday.


  1. Who's gona make the shirts?!?!?!

  2. I nominate Robertito to be the designer of the logo and to print the t-shirts!!

  3. Current weekly weight MUST be shown. Just as the super embarrassing weigh-ins on the biggest loser.

  4. True! Geefunk. Okay what we can do is as soon as all weights are submitted to Danny he will email me and I can post them on the site by Tuesday of that week.

    At least we are not doing pictures in our stretchy biker shorts and sports bra.

    Don't get any ideas people!

  5. I think the fee should be paid by the first week.
